
The BBC recently wrote an interesting article about the rich history of Lewes which they describe as “The politely radical English town where one of America’s Founding Fathers, and the world’s first international revolutionaries, sparked a spirit of rebellion that continues to this very day”. Read article

History Societies

Lewes History Group

The Lewes History Group is a volunteer-led group of enthusiasts who have an active interest in the history of Lewes and its immediate surroundings.They aims to study and record the history of Lewes, and to make the history of the county town accessible to the local community, and to others who share their interest. To do this, they run regular talks and issue a monthly bulletin. Find out more.

Lewes Bonfire Societies

History comes alive in Lewes each year. Lewes can boast no fewer than seven Bonfire Societies, six of which hold their celebrations on the same night (5th November, or when the Fifth is on a Sunday, 4th November). Find out more